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5 Ways to Make your Ski Vacation Easier

Make a Checklist:
You don’t want to get all the way to the ski hill and then realize you forgot your goggles. Make a list as if you were planning on skiing a full day, without heading back to your accommodations even if you don’t plan on it. Skis, boots, poles, helmet, goggles, gloves, appropriate layers, sunscreen and snacks are a good start for your list.

Fuel Up: Make a point to eat a healthy breakfast, bring snacks like a granola bar or piece of fruit and most importantly drink plenty of water. Altitude and sun will dehydrate you if you’re not careful, so stay ahead of it by constantly drinking water and staying energized with healthy eating.

Buy Tickets Online: While it might seem less complicated to buy your lift tickets in person, resorts have demand pricing and prices can fluctuate by over $50/​day! Plan on buying your lift tickets at least 24 hours in advance and if possible before you leave for vacation.

Skip Rush Hour: The busiest time to arrive at the ski area is between 9 and 10am. To avoid the mayhem and traffic, consider getting there early and enjoying breakfast at the hill. Or, sleep in, get there late, and ski through lunch. You can probably snag a midday parking spot from someone who’s already left.

Plan a Fun Off-Day Activity: Skiing more than 3 days in a row at altitude is tough for even the most seasoned veteran. Sleigh rides, snowmobiling, spa treatments and shopping can rejuvenate those tired legs and get you ready for the next day of skiing.

We look forward to seeing you this winter in any of the 37 North American Ski Resorts we serve.

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