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Snow is Coming

After a summer and fall of getting ready for the winter it is very good to see that the weather report is looking positive at just about all our 25 North American resorts with snow on the way and places like Whistler getting dumped on.

When owning a ski shop you can do everything in your power to work hard, advertise, and gear up for the season, but the one thing you can not do is predict the weather and unfortunately our best marketer is Mother Nature. Early Snow = Good Year. At last weeks Park City Lodging Association’s luncheon the guest speaker was Brian Mclnerny who works for NOAA and he had some encouraging news; El Niño in the Pacific means a greater chance of a good snow year and we are in an El Niño. Now no one can predict the weather past 7 days but they can make good assumptions based on historical data.

In today’s day and age of high tech snow making and groomers, ski resorts have been able to offer a very good product even when mother nature doesn’t cooperate. With cold temperatures the past few weeks, places like Park City Mountain Resort, which is right out my back door, have been blowing snow at night when the temperature drops to make sure they are ready there ski season opener November 21st. So no matter what mother nature does, we are going to have good skiing and riding this year, mother nature will just a be a great bonus!

By: Bryn Carey, Park City, UT

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