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Ski Butlers’ Climate Journey

Over the past decade Ski Butlers have made it a priority to shift business decisions with climate front of mind. The journey has resulted in a multipronged approach and has evolved over time but the priority has always been to focus on climate solutions in the communities we impact. 

This journey started in 2010, when Ski Butlers’ CEO, Bryn Carey, connected with Jeremy Jones from Protect Our Winters and continues today with Ski Butlers switching banks to stop financing fossil fuels.

While our journey is far from over, Ski Butlers is proud of our progress and wants to share our climate history to help our public understand that education, advocacy, action and divestment are all needed to solve the climate crisis. 


The Vancouver Winter Olympics has barely enough snow to host the 2010 Games and Ski Butlers’ CEO, Bryn Carey becomes concerned about the future of this planet. That same year Bryn connects with Jeremy Jones, founder of Protect Our Winters and decides that Ski Butlers needs to be a part of the solution. 


Bryn Carey is re-energized in the climate discussion after he reads DEEP by Porter Fox. This book explicitly highlights how climate change is already affecting the ski and snowboard industry. Ski Butlers realizes that this is a now’ problem and wonders, what can Ski Butlers do? 


In 2014, Bryn learns about The Solutions Project and decides to shift his focus away from education and more on action to find a solution. This same year, Bryn and his wife attend Al Gore’s Climate Reality Training and when he returns, he presents to the Town of Park City and begins to lay the groundwork for the Town to commit to 100% clean energy.


To double down on the Town of Park City’s commitment, Ski Butlers invested in solar by installing panels on Ski Butlers Headquarters in Park City. 


This year was focused on advocacy work as Ski Butlers commits to, I am Pro Snow campaign, which pledges to lead local governments, businesses, and nonprofits to go 100% clean energy. As a result, Bryn works with the Town of Park City to commit to Net Zero by 2022 (city operations) & 2032 (community wide). 

This same year, Bryn attends COP21 in Paris and delivers a letter. Bryn also traveled to Washington DC with Protect Our Winters to lobby US Senators and the EPA for better climate policy. 


Ski Butlers joins the Climate Reality Project and commits to 100% clean energy by 2030.


Ski Butlers invests again in reducing its own business carbon footprint by purchasing electric vans to be used for business operations. 


Then in 2019, Bryn refocuses his efforts and helps create MT2030, in order to get mountain communities, get to Net Zero by 2030. He co-chairs the MT2030 inaugural summit in Park City, UT and looks forward to MT2030 in Breckenridge in September of 2022.


Ski Butlers goes paperless across all locations by implementing iPads throughout the entire delivery process.

Additionally, Ski Butlers calculates their Scope 1, 2, 3 Greenhouse Gas carbon footprint and beings to build strategic reductions processes and offsets purchases to reach Ski Butlers 2030 goals. 

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